Galiano Island
Mayne Island
Salt Spring Island
Economic Prosperity | Social Equity | Environmental Quality

Community Economic Sustainability Commission
Southern Gulf Islands

Pender Islands
Saturna Island

Overview of Bylaw Enforcement Meeting May 7th, 2015
Update on Active Pass Festival»
From the EDC Chair: click for updates on the EDC Initiatives and more!
Listening by the Sea. Clam Garden Restoration Project in the Southern Gulf Islands.
6th annual Earth Day Beach Cleanup
Saturday, April 25, at Medicine Beach, PICA celebrated our 6th annual Earth Day Beach Cleanup. PICA thanks all the volunteers who scoured our beaches and bays for abandoned hulks of canoes, rowboats, flotsam and jetsam. Today our roads and byways look spiffy for springtime. Thanks, also, to Allison, Slow Coast cafe, coffee, bread and soup servers, and all, tall and small, who made our 6th annual Beach Cleanup day a grand success. Click on link for photo's by Davy Ripner http://smu.gs/1HIwNzV .
BC Ferries seeks input on SGI's Sailing Schedules
Link to full news Release - BC Ferries »
Thank You to All Who Have Helped
We all owe a debt of gratitude to the hard work of the Southern Gulf Islands Recycling Coalition (SGIRC) represented by Ann Johnston (Mayne Island Recycling Society), Kim Harris (Mayne Island Recycling Society), Elizabeth Latta (Galiano Island Recycling Resources Society), Peter Grant (Salt Spring Island Recycling Depot operated by Salt Spring and Southern Gulf Islands Community Services Society), and Richard Philpot (Pender Island Recycling Society) who have helped convince the CRD Board to pass a 4 year extension to the operating budgets of the Southern Gulf Islands Recycling Depots.
You all have my sincere appreciation for helping me understand the issues involved.Dave Howe
Link to full news Release - CRD »
Exciting Things are Happening at Moving Around Pender (M.A.P.)
There are some exciting things happening at M.A.P. Several trail projects are in the works and we will soon need volunteers to be part of a trail building crew. We anticipate starting the first trail between the Community Hall and the Epicentre/ Nu-tu-you/ library area as soon as the water level goes down. If you are ready, willing and able to help with building trails contact: Niall Parker map.contact@movingaroundpender.ca.
We have a long term vision of a walk-able island with multiple and interconnected trails so we can reduce car dependence and keep ourselves and the environment as healthy as possible. Since gaining the liability insurance policy through GITS, we have had some generous and community minded property owners offer to allow us to put trails on their land. If you have a piece of property that you feel would make a good addition to a trail network we would like to hear from you.
The bus is also moving forward, a contingent from M.A.P. went to Gabriola Island to learn more about their community bus pilot project and find what lessons we can learn from the processes they have gone through. We were very impressed with the system Gabriola has created, the dedication of their many volunteers and their use of waste cooking oil to reduce their diesel use and locally manage their waste oil. Their bus runs 6 days a week, is heavily and constantly used, has led to a big reduction in greenhouse gas and has expanded several times since the start of their pilot project. We will also be heading over to Mayne Island to learn from their solution as well. Our M.A.P volunteers hope to have a pilot project planned out for Pender in the next few months and will then approach the community to get feedback, find volunteers to help with getting the project going and gather the funds to pay for the bus, insurance, gas, etc.
We have already had a number of organizations and community members make pledges towards the bus, if you would like to make a pledge please email: bus@movingaroundpender.ca »
Better at Home Announces Rural and Remote Pilot Locations
Dec 10, 2014
Nakusp, Invermere, the Villages of Fraser Lake and Valemount, and Pender Island are the five communities chosen to help Better at Home understand how best to deliver services to seniors living in rural and remote communities in B.C. Better at Home provides non-medical support services to seniors in B.C. helping seniors live longer in their own homes while remaining connected to their community. The program is funded by the Government of BC and managed by United Way.If you work with seniors, provide seniors services, or have a good understanding of the local seniors services landscape, we would like to hear from you.
Please contact Project Coordinator Debbie Sharp
605-268-1300 ext. 2303 or debbies@betterathome.ca »
Better at Home is managed by United Way of the Lower Mainland, and currently runs 61 programs across British Columbia.
Galiano Health Care Society
The CRD is working with the Galiano Health Care Society to help the Society secure a predictable source of revenue to help cover the cost of operating the Galiano Health Care Centre. www.crd.bc.ca »
Directly Affected
“Together Raincoast Conservation Foundation, the Pender Islands Conservancy, the Friends of Brooks Point and the Pender Chamber of Commerce supported the January 15, 2015 event, “Directly Affected,” that brought together well over a 100 islanders to explore and discuss these issues.” www.islandtides.com »
(Paul Petrie, co-chair, Friends of Brooks Point)
Demonstration Trail - Mayne Island
On Mayne Island the baseline and topographical survey for the Demonstration Trail from Village Bay to Miners Bay was completed and delivered to the CRD in January and the Mayne Island Pathways and Trails Association has just received the final survey maps for their perusal and revision as necessary. MIPATA update Feb 2015 »
Magic Lake Estates Wastewater System
Infrastructure Replacement Project Public Open House
link to document »
www.crd.bc.ca »