Galiano Island
Mayne Island
Salt Spring Island
Economic Prosperity | Social Equity | Environmental Quality

Community Economic Sustainability Commission
Southern Gulf Islands

Pender Islands
Saturna Island
Saturna Island
Although the most remote, Saturna Island is easily accessible via BC Ferries from Swartz Bay on Vancouver Island, and Tsawwassen on the Mainland. You can also visit Saturna via floatplane or private boat.
A tiny population of just 465 full-time residents combined with cozy accommodations, a small selection of retail stores and galleries and the island's well-protected natural beauty, make Saturna a prime place to visit or to call home.
Saturna draws those who appreciate peace, outdoors activities and abundant quality time with books, binoculars, journals, art supplies and creative imaginations. Terrestrial whale watching, hiking, kayaking, home-studio artist tours, lazy afternoons in parks, disc golfing, and miscellaneous water activities (swimming, boating, beachcombing) are favourite pursuits here.

Helpful Links:
Saturna Island Tourism »
Saturna Island Marine Research & Education Society (SIMRES) »