Galiano Island
Mayne Island
Salt Spring Island
Economic Prosperity | Social Equity | Environmental Quality
Community Economic Sustainability Commission
Southern Gulf Islands
Pender Islands
Saturna Island
Non-Profit Support » The SGI Sustainable Funding Initiative
The Sustainable Funding Initiative (SGI SFI) combines education, resource knowledge, and direct support to develop the capacity of Southern Gulf Island organizations. The program receives funding from the SGI Community Economic Sustainability Commission (CESC), and is delivered by regional non-profit the SGI Community Resource Centre.
Pender, Galiano, Mayne and Saturna are home to hundreds of volunteer-run groups, clubs and organizations that fill a broad range of resident and visitor needs, including transportation, childcare, food security education and training, aging supports, arts, recreation, visitor services, and community wellbeing. These organizations are the lifeblood of Southern Gulf Islands communities, and dedicated volunteers have done much to ensure the liveability of our islands.
SGI organizations contribute to economic sustainability in the region. Events and programs hosted by NPOs attract thousands of visitors to our shores, and bring millions of dollars into our communities annually. The non-profit sector also represents one of the SGI’s largest employers, contracting hundreds of residents for positions in management, administration, program and event coordination, facilitation, and essential service delivery. Further, our volunteer organizations ensure that services traditionally supplied by municipalities are also available to our rural residents. Nationally, the non-profit sector represents 8.7% of Gross Domestic Product and employ 12% of economically active Canadians.
In March 2020, the global Covid-19 pandemic dramatically altered the funding and operational landscape for local organizations. SGI organizations reported a loss of
organizational capacity, board and volunteer attrition, and new challenges adapting and scaling services to rapidly shifting demands. Organizations also described a loss of revenue from cancelled fundraisers, a reduction in donations, and a surge in operational costs, which further impacted service delivery.
In response to these emergent needs, the SGI CRC and SGI CESC collaborated to develop a new non-profit support service, the SGI Sustainable Funding Initiative.
As of March 2024, the SGI Sustainable Funding Initiative has concluded its third year. Some program highlights include:
Reviewed 700 grant programs on behalf of non-profit and small business subscribers to confirm eligibility and make recommendations
Provided direct support on 8 grant applications, with $70,050 in confirmed funding, and $100,000 in pending funding.
Co-hosted a Level Up webinar with 30 small business and non-profit attendees.
Delivered 8 educational workshops to 118 participants,
representing approximately 50 non-profit organizations across SGI. -
Provided grant information and opportunities to 250 newsletter subscribers
To-date, 31 individuals representing approximately 25 SGI non-profit organizations have received grant writer training, strengthening the capacity of those organizations to pursue grants and increase fund acquisition.
Featured 13 SGI organizations, their work, projects and fundraising goals in the newsletter, and on Instagram/Facebook
Added 160 resources and templates to online resource portal