Galiano Island
Mayne Island
Salt Spring Island
Economic Prosperity | Social Equity | Environmental Quality

Community Economic Sustainability Commission
Southern Gulf Islands

Pender Islands
Saturna Island
Grants in Aid
Grants in Aid are one-time grants awarded to community non-profit organizations operating within the Juan de Fuca, Salt Spring Island and Southern Gulf Islands Electoral Areas.
They are awarded to projects or activities which are beyond the scope of CRD services and represent an appropriate use of tax dollars to benefit the Electoral Areas.
For more information please contact Melody Pender
e: mpender@crd.bc.ca p: 250-629-3475
How To Apply:
Applications for Grants-in-Aid are received throughout the year, and are submitted by email or fax to the Electoral Area Director for the region from which the application originates:
2023 Grants in Aid:
Mayne Island Conservancy: $1,000
Public Education Event for Feral, Invasive Fallow
Diversity and Inclusion Salt Spring Island (DIASSI): $1,000
Salt Spring Pride Festival
Yellowhouse Arts Centre- Galiano: $2,500
Arts Programming Space Enhancement- Equipment
Gulf Islands Centre of Ecological Learning: $2,750
Assistance to cover camp expenses and subsidize fees
South Pender Historical Society: $2,500
Recording the South Pender history on podcasts of W̱SÁNEĆ and early settlers.
Active/Passive Performance Society: $1,500
Galiano Events Lighting Package
Mayne Island PAC: $10,000
Teacherage Restoration Project
SGI Community Resource Centre: $5,000
Housing NOW - process development for data security
Pender Island Farmers Institute: $1,500
Pender Island Fall Fair
Ptarmigan: $4,250
Professional Recording of Medicine
Mayne Island Housing society: $20,000
Predevelopment expenses
Galiano Food Bank: $5,000
Purchase of new freezer
Pender Island Ocean Defenders $2,900
Critical Distance Exhibit
Institute for Multidisciplinary Ecological Research in the Salish Sea: $5,000
Xetthecium Eco-cultural mapping project
Salish Sea Marine Rescue Society: $4,500
Multifunctional Displays for Rescue Craft
Galiano Trail Society: $10,000
Walking Trails
Galiano Literary Festival Society $4,362
Website Design and Build
Saturna Athletic Association: $5,000
Funding Support for Tractor Replacement
Salish Sea Inter-Island Transportation Society: $5,000​
2023 Tour des Iles Festival
SGI Community Resource Centre: $2,000
2023 CRISP Festival
Piers Island Assocation: $5,000
Waste Removal and Recycling Event